Daniel Elliott’s speech after winning on Election Day
Daniel Elliott’s speech after being elected as Indiana’s next State Treasurer.
Daniel Elliott’s speech after being elected as Indiana’s next State Treasurer.
Due to his professional background in Information Technology, Daniel Elliott brings a rare set of skills and experience to Indiana. As Indiana State Treasurer Daniel Elliott will help local governments as they work to increase broadband infrastructure. Broadband is necessary for the future of rural Indiana. It will improve educational opportunities for our children, allow…
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Daniel Elliott has been working hard to increase economic development opportunities and improve local infrastructure in his community. He has been working steadily at building up communities in his home of Morgan County . From his early support of I-69 along the Highway 37 route to his work on bringing a waste water treatment plant…
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Daniel Elliott has a strong commitment to service. Daniel has shown a commitment to service throughout his adult life. As a young adult, Daniel chose to serve a two year mission teaching about Jesus Christ in South America for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He taught and served the people of Argentina…
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As Republican County Chairman, Daniel Elliott has supported and assisted Republicans like President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence, as well as Senators and congressmen. This gives Daniel unique relationships on the federal and state level. Daniel has also worked closely with local elected officials from a variety of Indiana municipalities. Daniel has helped make…
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Daniel has proven his willingness to standup for conservative values. Many politicians brand themselves as conservative but fail to follow through when the time comes. Daniel Elliott has proven his dedication to conservative, family values that delegates expect from those they elect. Daniel is a supporter of conservative values that strengthen our communities. Daniel supports…
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